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  • Series Run Time: 1160 Minutes

  • Number of Videos: 23

  • Difficulty: 5/10

  • Trophies: 42 (1 Platinum, 3 Gold, 14 Silver, 24 Bronze)

  • Missable Trophies: 5

  • Online Trophies: None

  • Number of Play-throughs: 1

  • Format: PS4/PS5

  • Glitches Encountered: 0



Video Guide Overview

Welcome to my video trophy guide for Elden Ring.

Following the below videos from start to finish will earn you the platinum for Elden Ring. The platinum can be earned in a single playthrough as long as you have a way of backing up your save, be that PS+ or a USB drive. We will get the platinum in one playthrough in the guide below. Every moment is in the videos below, so you can follow along and do exactly as I do.

I have a checklist you can follow HERE for all of the legendary armaments, ashes, spells and talismans in the game. You will need to find them all and of course, I point them all out in the videos, but if you are missing one you can use the list and it'll tell you where to find it.

Just a quick word on the missable trophies. As the game uses a continuous new game plus loop, you can always get any trophy you missed in the next playthrough.

  • Elden Lord is one of the three ending trophies. If you choose one of the other two, you will miss this trophy. We will use back-up saves to get around this.

  • Age of the Stars is one of the three ending trophies. If you choose one of the other two, you will miss this trophy. We will use back-up saves to get around this.


  • Lord of Frenzied Flame is one of the three ending trophies. If you choose one of the other two, you will miss this trophy. We will use back-up saves to get around this.

  • Legendary Armaments is for finding all the legendary weapons in the game. This is missable because the one weapon, Bolt of Gransax, can be missed once defeat Maliketh, the Black Blade near the end of the game. Leyndell will change and this weapon will disappear. For a full list of the armaments, click HERE.

  • Lichdragon Fortisaxx is for defeating the side boss, Lichdragon Fortisaxx. This one comes down to a single dialogue choice. At the end of Fia's questline, if you don't choose to embrace her, you will miss the chance to fight Lichdragon Fortisaxx.

For more information on the entire platinum process, please watch the first part of the first video, I go through everything there.

Part 01 - Setting Up

Trophies earned during the video:




Timestamps and trophies earned during the video:


00:00 Tarnished's Wizened Finger

05:19 Flask of Crimson Tears & Flask of Cerulean Tears

06:17 Soldier of Godrick 'Boss Fight'

09:25 Strength! (Gesture)

09:34 Finger Severer & Tarnished's Furled Finger

10:20 Small Golden Effigy

11:07 Smithing Stone [1]

12:00 Crafting Kit & Torch (Purchase)

12:29 Golden Rune [2]

12:54 Kukri x4

13:40 Spectral Steed Whistle

14:55 Lordsworn's Greatsword (Weapon)

16:22 Map: Limgrave, West

16:42 Flail (Weapon)

17:51 Ruin Fragment x3

20:46 Ash of War: Storm Stomp & Whetstone Knife

21:18 Arteria Leaf

22:31 Mushroom x10

22:57 Ash of War: Determination & Smithing Stone [1]

24:02 Lump of Flesh

25:01 Golden Seed

25:28 Stonesword Key

26:02 Sitting Sideways (Gesture) & Spirit Jellyfish Ashes

26:22 Spirit Calling Bell & Lone Wolf Ashes

27:08 Smithing Stone [1]

28:50 Golden Rune [1]

29:39 Crab Eggs

31:12 Stonesword Key

31:32 Golden Rune [2]

31:40 Twinblade (Weapon)

33:12 Rot Grease

34:53 Rock Sling (Sorcery)

36:23 Traveler's (Hat, Garb, Gloves, Slops) & Perfume Bottle

37:17 Golden Rune [4] & Meteorite Staff (Weapon)

37:45 Tree Sentinel 'Boss Fight' & Golden Halberd (Weapon)

Part 02 - West Limgrave

Trophies earned during the video:




Timestamps and trophies earned during the video:


00:00 Armorer's Cookbook [2], Shortbow (Weapon), & Neutralizing Boluses x2 (Purchase)

02:32 Land Octopus Ovary

04:32 Demi-Human Chief (Boss Fight) & Tailoring Tools & Sewing Needle

06:09 Smoldering Butterfly

06:51 Somber Smithing Stone [1]

08:30 Smithing Stone [2]

08:44 Ash of War: Gravitas

10:36 Haligdrake Talisman

11:02 Larval Tear

14:09 Ash of War: Unsheathe

15:15 Flying Dragon Agheel (Boss Fight) & Dragon Heart

17:41 Trina's Lily x3 18:16 Golden Rune [4]

18:56 Smithing Stone [1]

19:42 Smithing Stone [1]

19:52 Smithing Stone [1]

20:02 Smithing Stone [1]

20:24 Large Glintstone Scrap x5

21:07 Smithing Stone [1] x2

21:26 Glintstone Scrap x3

22:04 Smithing Stone [1]

22:19 Golden Rune [1] & Somber Smithing Stone [1]

22:41 Smithing Stone [1]

22:56 Stonedigger Troll (Boss Fight) & Roar Medallion (Talisman)

23:35 Fire Grease

25:17 Bloody Finger Nerijus (NPC Fight) & Reduvia (Weapon)

27:35 Mushroom x5

28:52 Patches 'Boss Fight', Cloth (Garb & Trousers), Golden Rune [1] & Grovel for Mercy (Gesture)

30:09 Poisonbloom x2

31:44 Grave Glovewort [1] x2

33:18 Root Resin x5

34:06 Ghost Glovewort [1]

34:37 Grave Warden Duelist (Boss Fight) & Banished Knight Engvall (Ashes)

35:34 Map: Limgrave, East

37:40 Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook [4]

37:55 Thin Beast Bones x3

38:05 Ash of War: Ground Slam

39:33 Spiked Cracked Tear & Greenspill Crystal Tear

39:49 Crimson Crystal Tear, Flask of Wondrous Physick & Sacred Tear

41:14 Finger Snap (Gesture)

44:20 Golden Rune [2]

46:16 Bloodhound Knight Darriwil (Boss Fight) & Bloodhound's Fang (Weapon)

47:23 Somber Smithing Stone [2]

47:40 Starlight Shards

48:34 Royal House Scroll

49:38 Great Epee (Weapon)

50:41 Golden Rune [3]

51:24 Golden Rune [2] & Golden Rune [1] x3

51:59 Glowstone x2

52:34 Golden Rune [1] & Immunizing Cured Meat

53:24 Mad Pumpkin Head (Boss Fight)

54:25 Nod in Thought (Gesture)

Part 03 - East Limgrave

Trophies earned during the video:

Roundtable Hold - Arrived at Roundtable Hold


Timestamps and trophies earned during the video:


00:00 Golden Rune [5] & Gold-Tinged Excrement x5

00:50 Golden Seed

04:33 Bloodrose x3

05:14 Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook [6]

05:52 Ash of War: Bloody Slash & Bloodrose x5

06:30 Dectus Medallion (Left)

06:56 Ash of War: Sacred Blade

07:47 Anastasia, Tarnished-Eater (NPC Fight) & Sacred Scorpion Charm (Talisman)

09:21 Misssionary's Cookbook [3] & Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook [14]

09:36 Trophy - Roundtable Hold

10:16 What Do You Want? (Gesture)

11:15 Memory Stone (Purchase)

11:36 Baldachin's Blessing

13:02 Tibia Mariner (Boss Fight), Deathroot, & Skeletal Militiaman Ashes

16:11 Smithing Stone [1] & Trina's Lily x2

16:26 Smithing Stone [1] x2

18:19 Triumphant Delight (Gesture)

19:36 Exalted Flesh

19:46 Grave Glovewort [1]

22:19 Grave Glovewort [1]

22:51 Uchigatana (Weapon)

23:00 Grave Glovewort [1]

23:27 Grave Glovewort [1]

24:32 Bloodrose x3

24:46 Grave Glovewort [1]

25:16 Black Knife Assassin (Boss Fight) & Assassin's Crimson Dagger (Talisman)

26:11 Deathroot

26:32 Exalted Flesh

28:34 Beast Crest Heater Shield (Weapon)

28:46 Bernahl's Bell Bearing, Devourer's Scepter (Legendary Weapon) & Beast Champion (Helm, Armor (Altered), Gaunlets, & Greaves)

31:13 Beast Liver

32:28 Smithing Stone [1] x5 & Smithing Stone [2]

34:04 Arrow x10 (Purchase)

35:10 Poisonbone Dart x5

36:45 Lightning Grease x2

38:44 Erdtree's Favor (Talisman)

39:17 Stonesword Key

40:28 Erdtree Greatbow (Weapon) & Great Arrow x10

41:23 Golden Rune [5]

41:43 Dragon Communion Seal (Weapon)

42:58 Dragonwound Grease

43:08 Smithing Stone [1]

44:44 Stonesword Key

Part 04 - Weeping Peninsula

Trophies earned during the video:

Leonine Misbegotten - Defeated the Leonine Misbegotten

Timestamps and trophies earned during the video:


00:00 Irina's Letter

00:55 Strip of White Flesh

01:58 Morning Star (Weapon) & Golden Rune [2]

02:29 Smithing Stone [2]

02:55 Ash of War: Mighty Shot

03:10 Stonesword Key & Smithing Stone [2]

03:54 Great Turtle Shell (Weapon) & Warming Stone x2

04:35 Starlight Shards

04:59 Memory Stone

07:06 Stonesword Key

09:12 Golden Seed

10:01 Map: Weeping Peninsula

10:25 Smithing Stone [2]

13:07 Fire Grease x2

14:17 Smithing Stone [1] x3

14:44 Claymore (Weapon)

15:14 Steel-Wire Torch (Weapon)

16:32 Furlcalling Finger Remedy

16:53 Golden Rune [2]

18:09 Smithing Stone [2] x2

19:05 Golden Rune [2]

20:11 Sacrificial Twig (Talisman)

20:35 Stonesword Key

21:38 Pickled Turtle Neck

22:40 Twinblade Talisman

23:46 Tarnished Golden Sunflower x3

24:13 Smithing Stone [2]

24:47 Whip (Weapon)

25:39 Throwing Dagger x8

26:28 Somber Smithing Stone [1]

26:45 Fire Arrow x15

27:36 Trophy - Leonine Misbegotten (Boss Fight) & Grafted Blade Greatsword (Legendary Weapon)

29:03 Yellow Ember

31:07 Flame Crest Wooden Shield

32:33 The Flame of Frenzy (Incantation) & Sacred Tear

33:38 String x5 & Gold-Tinged Excrement x2

36:57 Demi-Human Queen's Staff (Weapon) & Crystal Burst (Sorcery)

38:39 Arteria Leaf x2

39:01 Faith-knot Crystal Tear

39:30 Sacred Tear

40:30 Grave Glovewort [2]

42:34 Ghost Glovewort [1]

42:55 Grave Glovewort [1]

43:21 Grave Glowewort [1]

43:49 Human Bone Shard x5

44:48 Golden Rune [2]

45:28 Grave Glovewort [2]

45:45 Prattling Pate "Thank You"

46:25 Grave Glovewort [2]

47:09 Cemetery Shade (Boss Fight) & Lhutel the Headless (Legendary Ashes)

48:16 Erdtree Avatar (Boss Fight) & Opaline Bubbletear & Crimsonburst Crystal Tear

50:03 Winged Scythe (Weapon)

51:33 Ancient Hero of Zamor (Boss Fight) & Radagon's Scarseal (Talisman)

53:17 Sacred Tear

54:05 Ambush Shard (Sorcery)

56:39 Lantern & Stonesword Blade (Purchase)

Part 05 - Stormveil Castle

Trophies earned during the video:

Margit, the Fell Omen - Defeated Margit, the Fell Omen

Shardbearer Godrick - Defeated Shardbearer Godrick


Timestamps and trophies earned during the video:

00:00 Ash of War: Wild Strikes

01:30 Trophy - Margit, the Fell Omen (Boss Fight) & Talisman Pouch

04:37 Golden Rune [1]

08:44 Furlcalling Finger Remedy

09:00 Fire Grease x2

09:17 Ruin Fragment x3

10:02 Bolt x10

11:04 Smithing Stone [3]

11:51 Marred Leather Shield (Weapon)

12:24 Golden Rune [2]

12:50 Hookclaws (Weapon)

13:16 Throwing Dagger x5

13:48 St. Trina's Arrow x10

13:56 Smoldering Butterfly x3

14:30 Rusty Key & Curved Sword Talisman

15:58 Golden Rune [2]

16:30 Fire Grease

17:13 Brick Hammer (Weapon)

17:41 Silver-Pickled Fowl Foot

18:25 Mushroom x3

18:37 Drawstring Fire Grease x2

20:24 Throwing Dagger x5

20:50 Golden Rune [2]

21:48 Smithing Stone [2] x2

22:17 Dozing Cross-Legged (Gesture)

22:45 Claw Talisman

23:50 Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook [10]

25:04 Festering Bloody Finger x3

26:51 Arrow x10

27:12 Smithing Stone [2]

27:52 Smithing Stone [1]

28:15 Somber Smithing Stone [1], Beast Blood & Old Fang x2

31:48 Golden Rune [5]

34:07 Commoner's Simple Garb

34:23 Ballista Bolt x5, Golden Rune [2], Golden Rune [1]

34:40 Stonesword Key

35:57 Wooden Greatshield (Weapon)

37:37 Furlcalling Finger Remedy

37:59 Smithing Stone [1]

38:09 Smithing Stone [2]

39:40 Golden Rune [2]

40:09 Kukri x5

40:57 Golden Rune [2] x2

42:10 Mimic's Veil

43:08 Exalted Flesh

43:39 Highland Axe (Weapon)

45:12 Stanching Boluses

45:19 Golden Rune [1], Lump of Flesh & Chrysalid's Memento

45:35 Hawk Crest Wooden Shield (Weapon) & Iron Whetblade & Misericorde (Weapon)

46:14 Somber Smithing Stone [2]

46:34 Arrow x10

47:07 Cracked Pot x2

49:11 Ash of War: Stormcaller

49:23 Golden Seed

50:31 Smithing Stone [1] x4

50:51 Smithing Stone [2]

51:33 Golden Rune [2]

51:53 Kukri x8

52:32 Smithing Stone [2] x3

53:01 Smithing Stone [1] & Golden Rune [2]

53:20 Manor Towershield (Weapon)

54:09 Smithing Stone [3]

54:19 Golden Rune [5]

54:41 Rainbow Stone x5

54:47 Arteria Leaf

55:27 Smithing Stone [2] x2

55:49 Golden Rune [2]

56:01 Poisonbloom x3

56:23 Rancorcall (Sorcery)

56:33 Smoldering Butterfly x3 & Stonesword Key

56:53 Prince of Death's Pustule (Talisman)

57:08 Trophy - Shardbearer Godrick (Boss Fight) & Godrick's Great Rune & Remembrance of the Grafted

Part 06 - Liurnia of the Lakes

Trophies earned during the video:

Great Rune - Restored the power of a Great Rune

Timestamps and trophies earned during the video:

00:00 Grave Glovewort [1]

01:37 Ulcerated Tree Spirit (Boss Fight), Golden Seed & Banished Knight Oleg (Ashes)

03:22 Golden Seed

04:19 Arsenal Charm (Talisman)

04:39 Shabriri Grape

06:37 Sacred Tear

07:18 Academy Scroll

07:18 Map: Liurnia, East

09:10 Glintstone Craftman's Cookbook [2]

11:59 Adan, Thief of Fire (Boss Fight) & Flame of the Fell God (Legendary Spell)

14:19 Arteria Leaf

15:52 Hefty Beast Bone x3

16:38 Spear Talisman

17:41 Throwing Dagger x5

18:45 Golden Rune [5]

19:16 Soft Cotton x2

19:34 Smithing Stone [4], Smithing Stone [2], & Lump of Flesh

19:45 Bloodhound Knight (Boss Fight) & Cerulean Amber Medallion (Talisman)

20:54 Rune Arc

21:21 Boltdrake Talisman

21:56 Trophy - Great Rune & Godrick's Great Rune

25:08 Glass Shard

26:25 Golden Rune [3]

28:07 Map: Liurnia, North

28:27 Ash of War: Vow of the Indomitable

30:10 Larval Tear

31:47 Ivory Sickle (Weapon)

32:38 Haligtree Secret Medallion (Right)

32:53 Omenkiller (Boss Fight) & Crucible Knot Talisman

34:50 Rune Arc

35:07 Latenna the Albinauric (Ashes)

35:52 Smithing Stone [3] x3

38:35 Golden Seed

40:04 Smithing Stone [2] x3

41:08 Academy Glintstone Key

42:13 Ghost Glovewort [2]

44:20 Ritual Pot

44:52 Smithing Stone [3]

44:59 Meeting Place Map

45:27 Golden Seed

46:17 Fanged Imp Ashes & Stonesword Key x2 (Purchase)

Part 07 - Academy of Raya Lucaria

Trophies earned during the video:


Red Wolf of Radagon - Defeated the Red Wolf of Radagon

Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon - Defeated Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon


Timestamps and trophies earned during the video:


00:00 Magic Grease

01:01 Somber Smithing Stone [3]

02:10 Spellproof Dried Liver

03:49 Marionette Soldier Ashes

05:52 Silver-Pickled Fowl Foot

06:03 Carian Knight (Helm, Gauntlets, Armor, & Greaves)

07:07 Golden Rune [4]

07:52 Magic Grease x2

09:25 Ash of War: Spectral Lance & Golden Rune [4]

09:47 Gravity Well (Sorcery) & Somber Smithing Stone [3]

10:39 Golden Rune [3]

12:32 Avionette Soldier Ashes

12:59 Smithing Stone [5]

13:48 Longtail Cat Talisman

13:55 Crystal Darts x5

15:08 Conspectus Scroll & Glintstone Craftsman's Cookbook [5]

16:03 Ritual Pot

16:55 Furlcalling Finger Remedy

17:57 Comet (Sorcery) & Stonesword Key

18:23 Graven-School Talisman

19:23 Trophy - Red Wolf of Radagon (Boss Fight) & Memory Stone

21:08 Crystal Bud x5

22:04 Radagon Icon (Legendary Talisman)

22:22 Golden Rune [4]

23:10 Living Jar Shard x3 & Cracked Pot

23:50 Glintstone Whetblade

25:07 Stonesword Key

26:59 Glintstone Firefly x5

27:13 Golden Seed

28:43 Karolos Glintstone Crown

29:08 Golden Rune [3]

30:40 Golden Rune [4]

31:06 Crystal Dart x5

32:03 Full Moon Crossbow (Weapon)

33:51 Smithing Stone [4]

34:03 Lazuli Glintstone Crown

34:58 Somber Smithing Stone [4]

35:41 Imbued Sword Key

36:17 Smithing Stone [3] x2

36:27 Magic Grease x2

37:26 Golden Rune [3]

37:38 Academy Glintstone Key

37:53 Shattering Crystal (Sorcery)

38:51 Azur's Glintstone Staff (Weapon)

39:14 Twinsage Glintstone Crown

39:43 Smithing Stone [5]

41:29 Furlcalling Finger Remedy

41:49 Carian Knight's Shield (Weapon)

43:06 Golden Rune [4]

43:19 Trophy - Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon (Boss Fight) & Remembrance of the Full Moon Queen & Great Rune of the Unborn

48:29 Remembrance of the Full Moon Queen (Duplication)

51:41 Ensha of the Royal Remains (NPC Fight) & Clinging Bone (Weapon)

52:32 Talisman Pouch

52:52 Carian Regal Scepter (Weapon) & Rennala's Full Moon (Sorcery)

Part 08 - Caria Manor

Trophies earned during the video:


Royal Knight Loretta - Defeated Royal Knight Loretta


Timestamps and trophies earned during the video:


00:00 Erudition (Gesture)

01:45 Crystal Sword (Weapon)

02:20 Memory Stone

04:01 Cuckoo Glintstone x5

04:20 Erdtree Avatar (Boss Fight) & Cerulean Crystal Tear & Ruptured Crystal Tear

05:47 Bols, Carian Knight (Boss Fight) & Greatblade Phalanx (Sorcery)

09:00 Blood Grease x3 & Jellyfish Shield (Weapon)

10:59 Memory Stone

14:44 Map: Lurnia, West

15:44 Smithing Stone [2] x3

19:38 Rimed Crystal Bud x3

20:54 Glintstone Craftsman's Cookbook [6]

21:15 Somber Smithing Stone [3]

21:52 Carian Piercer (Sorcery)

22:46 Golden Rune [4]

23:24 Smithing Stone [4]

24:52 Rune Arc

26:05 Sword of Night and Flame (Legendary Weapon)

26:34 Golden Seed

29:50 Magic Grease x2

31:07 Troll Knight's Sword (Weapon)

32:43 Rimed Crystal Bud x5

33:26 Trophy - Royal Knight Loretta (Boss Fight), Loretta's Greatbow (Sorcery) & Ash of War: Loretta's Slash

34:23 Ash of War: Chilling Mist

35:36 Glintstone Dragon Adula 'Boss Fight'

36:14 Black Wolf Mask

41:11 Seluvis's Potion

41:38 Memory Stone

Part 09 - Siofra River

Trophies earned during the video:


Ancestor Spirit - Defeated Ancestor Spirit


Timestamps and trophies earned during the video:


00:00 Golden Rune [3]

01:58 Ghost Glovewort [1] & Furlcalling Finger Remedy

02:13 Golden Rune [2]

02:28 Smithing Stone [4]

03:07 Golden Rune [2] & Smithing Stone [2]

03:25 Golden Rune [2], Immunizing Cured Meat, & Rainbow Stone x5

04:17 Budding Horn x3

04:45 Throwing Dagger x8

05:24 Oracle Bubbles (Sorcery)

05:40 Silver-Pickled Fowl Foot x3

05:49 Ghost Glovewort [1]

06:20 Golden Rune [4] & Smithing Stone [4]

07:14 Soap x3

07:24 Golden Rune [4]

07:39 Perserving Boluses

08:14 Beast Liver x3

08:27 Crab Eggs x3

09:02 Boss Altar (01/08)

09:46 Map: Siofra River

09:59 Ghost Glovewort [2]

10:13 Arteria Leaf x3 & Inverted Hawk Heater Shield (Weapon)

11:00 Old Fang x2

11:15 Armorer's Cookbook [6]

11:41 Lump of Flesh x3

12:43 Boss Altar (02/08)

13:02 Somber Smithing Stone [2]

13:37 Golden Rune [4]

14:58 Horn Bow (Weapon)

15:11 Ghost Glovewort [3]

15:49 Stonesword Key

16:03 Dwelling Arrow x10

16:52 Golden Rune [3]

17:26 Boss Altar (03/08)

18:21 Shield Grease & Golden Rune [2]

18:46 Gold-Pickled Fowl Foot

19:29 Boss Altar (04/08)

19:45 Gold-Pickled Fowl Foot x2

20:12 Sliver of Meat

20:45 Golden Rune [3]

21:00 Stonesword Key x3 (Purchase)

21:31 Hefty Beast Bone

21:44 Smithing Stone [4]

22:12 Boss Altar (05/08)

22:54 Boss Altar (06/08)

24:23 Dappled Cured Meat

25:38 Somber Smithing Stone [2]

25:55 Slumbering Egg x2

26:39 Dragonkin Soldier (Boss Fight) & Dragon Halberd (Weapon)

28:04 Marika's Scarseal (Talisman)

28:16 Ghost Glovewort [5]

29:03 Great Oracular Bubble (Sorcery) & Somber Smithing Stone [5]

30:44 Golden Rune [7]

31:12 Ghost Glovewort [4]

31:25 Golden Seed

31:45 Rune Arc

32:13 Boss Altar (07/08)

33:21 Boss Altar (08/08)

34:21 Ash of War: Square Off

34:54 Trophy - Ancestor Spirit (Boss Fight) & Ancestral Follower Ashes

38:22 Clarifying Horn Charm (Talisman)

39:00 Stonesword Key

41:04 Somber Smithing Stone [5]

41:36 Seluvis's Introduction

Part 10 - Caelid

Trophies earned during the video:


Shardbearer Radahn - Defeated Shardbearer Radahn


Timestamps and trophies earned during the video:

00:00 Weathered Dagger

00:53 D's Bell Bearing & Twinned (Helm, Armor, Gauntlets, Greaves)

02:05 Bestial Sling (Incantation), Clawmark Seal (Weapon) & Beast Eye

03:46 Drawstring Lightning String x2

04:26 Nascent Butterfly x2

04:47 Preserving Boluses x5

05:01 Golden Rune [1], [2] & [3]

05:38 Somber Smithing Stone [2]

06:56 Golden Rune [5]

07:37 Smithing Stone [4]

07:53 Smithing Stone [4] x2, Cross-Naginata (Weapon) & Somber Smithing Stone [4]

09:20 Smithing Stone [4] x2 & Gold-Pickled Fowl Foot

10:38 Large Glintstone Scrap x5, Grace Mimic x5 & Smithing Stone [4]

11:11 Smithing Stone [4] x2

11:32 Magma Wyrm (Boss Fight), Dragon Heart, & Moonveil (Weapon)

12:54 Somber Smithing Stone [4]

15:01 Ancient Dragon Apostle's Cookbook [3]

17:59 Golden Seed

19:36 Map: Caelid

19:57 Stonesword Key

20:19 Rotten Stray Ashes

21:07 Golden Seed

22:12 Whirl, O'Flame! (Incantation)

23:10 Map: Dragonbarrow

24:58 Dragonwound Grease, Somber Smithing Stone [9], Rune Arc, & Arteria Leaf x2

25:41 Dragon Heart x5

28:07 Dectus Medallion (Right)

29:29 Golden Rune [12]

29:59 Radagon's Soreseal (Legendary Talisman)

30:43 Greyoll's Roar (Legendary Incantation)

31:48 Smithing Stone [6]

35:39 Polite Bow (Gesture)

36:02 Heartening Cry (Gesture)

37:08 Smithing Stone [6]

37:27 Casual Greeting (Gesture)

38:21 Trophy - Starscourge Radahn (Boss Fight) & Radahn's Great Rune & Remembrance of the Starscourge

41:56 Grave Glovewort [6]

44:06 Misbegotten Warrior & Crucible Knight (Boss Fight) & Ruins Greatsword (Legendary Weapon)

Part 11 - Nokron, Eternal City

Trophies earned during the video:


Mimic Tear - Defeated Mimic Tear Regal

Ancestor Spirit - Defeated Regal Ancestor Spirit

Valiant Gargoyle - Defeated Valiant Gargoyle


Timestamps and trophies earned during the video:


00:00 Smithing Stone [3] x3

01:04 Golden Rune [5]

03:22 Soporific Grease x2

03:36 Ghostflame Torch (Weapon)

04:10 Burred Bolt x10

04:52 Golden Rune [6]

05:43 Nascent Butterfly x3

06:03 Furlcalling Finger Remedy & Smithing Stone [5]

06:27 Golden Rune [6]

06:54 Clarifying White Cured Meat & Ghost Glovewort [3]

07:22 Ghost-Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing [1]

07:54 Somber Smithing Stone [4]

08:39 Ghost Glovewort [3]

09:14 Larval Tear

09:43 Greatshield Soldier Ashes & Smithing Stone [5]

10:25 Ghost Glovewort [3] x2

10:40 Golden Rune [7]

11:27 Larval Tear

12:08 Trophy - Mimic Tear (Boss Fight), Larval Tear & Silver Tear Mask

13:32 Somber Smithing Stone [5]

14:22 Golden Rune [4]

14:34 Nascent Butterfly

15:20 Boss Altar (01/06)

15:30 Boss Altar (02/06)

16:35 Fireproof Dried Liver, Gold-Tinged Excrement, Ghost Glovewort [4] & Golden Rune [4]

17:20 Smithing Stone [4] & Beast Blood x4

19:17 Somber Smithing Stone [5]

19:27 Boss Altar (03/06)

19:51 Ash of War: Enchanted Shot

21:05 Boss Altar (04/06)

21:18 Ghost Glovewort [5] & Golden Rune [12]

21:56 Ancestral Infant's Head (Tool)

22:47 Boss Altar (05/06) & Ghost Glovewort [4]

25:34 Mottled Knecklace +1 (Talisman)

26:24 Boss Altar (06/06)

28:00 Trophy - Regal Ancestor Spirit (Boss Fight) & Remembrance of the Regal Ancestor

29:33 Kukri x8

30:14 Smithing Stone [5]

30:37 Clarifying Horn Charm +1 (Talisman), Celestial Dew & Smithing Stone [2]

31:33 Smithing Stone [5]

32:21 Rejuvenating Boluses

32:56 Rune Arc

34:04 Golden Rune [7]

34:22 Black Whetblade

34:50 Mimic Tear Ashes (Legendary) & Smithing Stone [3]

35:37 Nox Flowing Hammer (Weapon)

36:08 Larval Tear

37:04 Celestial Dew

37:53 Golden Rune [7]

38:08 Soft Cotton x3

38:49 Fingerslayer Blade & Great Ghost Glovewort

39:14 Stonesword Key

40:18 Silver Tear Husk x2

40:33 Crucible Hornshield (Weapon)

43:11 Missionary's Cookbook [5]

43:58 Somber Smithing Stone [6]

44:49 Smithing Stone [5]

45:12 Order Healing (Incantation) & Golden Rune [13]

45:47 Golden Rune [7]

45:58 Golden Rune [6]

46:22 Smithing Stone [4]

46:45 Rune Arc

47:05 Inner Order (Gesture)

47:26 Trophy - Valiant Gargoyle (Boss Fight), Gargoyle's Greatsword & Gargoyle's Twinblade (Weapons)

Part 12 - Deeproot Depths

Trophies earned during the video:


Lichdragon Fortissax - Defeated Lichdragon Fortissax


Timestamps and trophies earned during the video:


00:00 Carian Inverted Statue

01:06 Golden Sewing Needle & Golden Tailoring Tools

03:13 Erdtree Avatar (Boss Fight), Magic, Lightning, & Holy-Shrouding Cracked Tear

10:01 Fire Spur Me (Gesture) & Flame, Cleanse Me (Incantation)

12:41 Mask of Confidence

16:46 Lucidity (Sorcery)

17:15 Glintstone Firefly x8

18:22 Holyproof Dried Liver x2

18:35 Godskin Noble (Hood, Robe, Bracelets, & Trousers)

20:54 Cursemark of Death & Stargazer Heirloom (Talisman)

22:09 Staff of the Avatar (Weapon)

24:16 Ghost Glovewort [4]

24:26 Ash of War: Golden Land

25:04 Numen's Rune & Rune Arc

26:56 Numen's Rune x4 & Rune Arc x4

28:17 Somber Smithing Stone [6]

28:34 Elden Stars (Legdendary Incantation)

29:22 Holy Grease x3

30:27 Smithing Stone [4]

30:48 Warming Stone x3, Golden Rune [6] & Smithing Stone [4]

32:31 Dragonwound Grease, Hefty Beast Bone, & Map: Deeproot Depths

33:48 Ash of War: Vacuum Slice

34:19 Arteria Leaf x5 & Smithing Stone [7]

36:22 Ghost Glovewort [5], Golden Rune [8] x2 & [9], Clarifying Boluses, Smithing Stone [4] x2, & Nascent Butterfly

37:56 Ghost Glovewort [6]

38:10 Golden Rune [1]

39:10 Smithing Stone [6]

39:48 Prince of Death's Staff (Weapon)

40:11 Golden Rune [5]

41:39 Golden Rune [8]

42:48 Ghost Glovewort [7]

44:00 Somber Smithing Stone [7]

44:43 Prince of Death's Cyst (Talisman)

45:48 Fia's Champions (Boss Fight) & Fia's Mist (Sorcery)

50:29 Baldachin's Blessing & Radiant Baldachin's Blessing

51:26 Trophy - Lichdragon Fortissax (Boss Fight) & Remembrance of the Lichdragon

Part 13 - Nokstella, Eternal City

Trophies earned during the video:


Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella - Defeated Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella

Astel, Naturalborn of the Void - Defeated Astel, Naturalborn of the Void

Timestamps and trophies earned during the video:


00:00 Snow Witch (Hat, Robe, & Skirt)

01:17 Miniature Ranni

01:43 Somber Smithing Stone [7] & Ghost Glovewort [6] x2

03:40 Golden Rune [7] & Human Bone Shard x3

04:01 Smithing Stone [4]

04:22 Stonesword Key

04:34 Clayman Ashes

05:01 Golden Rune [7]

06:15 Ghost Glovewort [6] & [7]

06:45 Ghost Glovewort [7]

07:32 Stimulating Boluses

07:53 Golden Rune [10] x8 & Shield Grease x2

08:51 Somber Smithing Stone [6]

10:15 Wing of Astel (Weapon)

10:44 Smithing Stone [3] x3

11:08 Map: Ainsel River

11:19 Golden Rune [2]

11:52 Golden Rune [3], Magic Grease x2, Throwing Dagger x6, & Furlcalling Finger Remedy

12:28 Smithing Stone [2] x3, Immunzing Horn Charm (Talisman), Formic Rock, & Crystal Charm x5

13:35 Melted Mushroom x3

14:30 Trophy - Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella (Boss Fight) & Frozen Lightning Spear (Sorcery)

15:52 Great Ghost Glovewort

16:09 Ghost Glovewort [6]

18:14 Ghost Glovewort [7]

19:03 Fan Daggers

19:50 Ant's Skull Plate (Weapon)

20:51 Archer Ashes

21:21 Golden Rune [10]

21:55 Golden Rune [10]

22:01 Nightmaiden & Swordstress Puppets (Ashes)

23:04 Larval Tear

24:25 Golden Rune [10]

24:36 Larval Tear & Great Ghost Glovewort

25:09 Golden Rune [10]

25:26 Larval Tear & Somber Smithing Stone [7]

26:22 Somber Smithing Stone [6]

26:44 Moon of Nokstella (Legendary Talisman)

28:28 Golden Seed

29:05 Ghost Glovewort [8] x2

31:50 Ghost Glovewort [8]

32:24 Celestial Dew

33:00 Smithing Stone [4] & [5]

34:16 Baleful Shadow (NPC Fight) & Discarded Palace Key

35:32 Dark Moon Ring

37:19 Map: Lake of Rot

37:58 Rot Grease

39:01 Preserving Boluses

41:47 Golden Rune [10]

42:38 Golden Rune [10]

43:37 Ghost Glovewort [9]

44:47 Fan Daggers x8 & Smithing Stone [5]

45:04 Scorpion's Stinger (Weapon)

45:21 Trophy - Astel, Naturalborn of the Void (Boss Fight) & Remembrance of the Naturalborn

Part 14 - Moonlight Altar

Trophies earned during the video:


Magma Wyrm Makar - Defeated Magma Wyrm Makar

Timestamps and trophies earned during the video:


00:00 Somber Smithing Stone [8]

00:54 Somber Smithing Stone [8]

01:45 Glintstone Dragon Adula (Boss Fight), Dragon Heart & Adula's Moonblade (Sorcery)

06:43 Starlight Shards x11

08:16 Dark Moon Greatsword (Legendary Weapon)

10:33 Alecto, Black Knife Ringleader (Boss Fight) & Black Knife Tiche (Legendary Ash)

14:02 Chelona's Rise Tortoise (01/03)

18:08 Smithing Stone [7] x3

19:21 Smithing Stone [8] x3

19:29 Smithing Stone [7] x3

19:38 Chelona's Rise Tortoise (02/03)

20:36 Chelona's Rise Tortoise (03/03)

22:14 Ranni's Dark Moon (Legendary Sorcery)

23:08 Sacred Tear

24:31 Golden Seed

26:18 Smithing Stone [5]

26:37 Smithing Stone [4] x2

27:53 Smithing Stone [4] x2 & Smithing Stone [3]

28:31 Golden Rune [5] & Smithing Stone [4]

29:29 Lightning Grease x2

29:55 Rune Arc

30:30 Somber Smithing Stone [4]

30:43 Soft Cotton

31:05 Golden Rune [4]

31:51 Somber Smithing Stone [3]

32:10 Somber Smithing Stone [4]

32:36 Smithing Stone [4]

32:59 Golden Rune [5] & Smithing Stone [4]

33:26 Smithing Stone [4] x2

34:01 Golden Rune [5]

34:49 Smithing Stone [4]

35:23 Smithing Stone [4]

35:46 Smithing Stone [3]

36:26 Rune Arc

36:35 Trophy - Magma Wyrm Makar (Boss Fight), Magma Wyrm's Scalesword (Weapon) & Dragon Heart

Part 15 - Altus Plateau

Trophies earned during the video:




Timestamps and trophies earned during the video:


00:00 Ruler's Mask & Ruler's Robe

01:00 Golden Seed

02:12 Tibia Mariner (Boss Fight), Deathroot & Tibia's Summons (Ashes)

04:42 Ash of War: Barrage

05:32 Golden Seed

05:56 Smithing Stone [5]

06:14 Rejuvenating Boluses, Hefty Beast Bone x2, Glass Shard & Nascent Butterfly

06:51 Herba x3

07:38 Golden Rune [6]

08:09 Mushroom x5

08:48 Magma Wyrm (Boss Fight) & Dragon Heart

10:10 Smoldering Butterfly x5

10:25 Golden Rune [3]

10:43 Golden Rune [5]

11:00 Jar (Helm)

11:14 Smoldering Butterfly x2

11:33 Golden Rune [4], [2] x2, & [6]

12:26 Sacramental Bud x2

13:43 Errant Sorcerer (Manchettes, Boots, & Robe (Altered)) & Gold-Tinged Excrement

14:51 Demi-Human Queen Maggie (Boss Fight) & Memory Stone

15:46 Comet Azur (Legendary Sorcery)

16:16 Golden Rune [6]

17:08 Royal Greatsword (Weapon) & Blaidd's (Armor, Gauntlets, & Greaves)

18:21 Sellian Sealbreaker

19:42 Poison Grease x2

21:47 Cerulean Tear Scarab

23:59 Ash of War: Double Slash

26:07 Stonesword Key

26:31 Night Comet (Sorcery)

27:25 Spelldrake Talisman +1

27:38 Imbued Sword Key

28:16 Nox Swordstress & Monk (Boss Fight), Nox Flowing Sword & Lusat's Glintstone Staff (Weapons)

29:53 Sacred Tear

30:58 Starlight Shards

31:39 Beast Blood x2

33:26 Golden Rune [3]

34:40 Golden Rune [5]

35:36 Golden Rune [5], Lost Ashes of War, & Stimulating Boluses

35:58 Somber Smithing Stone [4]

36:16 Glowstone x4

37:03 Stars of Ruin (Legendary Sorcery)

38:16 Map: Altus Plateau

41:14 Golden Seed

41:45 Ash of War: Earthshaker

43:01 Godefroy the Grafted (Boss Fight) & Godfrey Icon (Legendary Talisman)

47:22 Magic Grease x3

48:20 Grave Glovewort [6]

50:55 Grave Glovewort [6]

51:44 Putrid Tree Spirit (Boss Fight), Redmane Knight Ogha (Legendary Ashes) & Golden Seed

Part 16 - Shaded Castle / Mt. Gelmir

Trophies earned during the video:


Elemer of the Briar - Defeated Elemer of the Briar


Timestamps and trophies earned during the video:


00:00 String x5

01:12 Ash of War: Blood Blade

02:01 Golden Rune [3]

04:57 Smithing Stone [5]

05:28 Glass Shard x2

08:52 Valkyrie's Prosthesis

09:16 Golden Rune [4]

10:37 Perfumer's Cookbook [2]

12:36 Hefty Beast Bone x4

13:02 Gold Firefly x2

14:24 Trophy - Elemer of the Briar (Boss Fight), Marais Executioner's Sword (Legendary Weapon) & Briar Greatshield

18:26 Sacred Tear

20:31 Wormface (Boss Fight), Crimsonspill Crystal Tear & Speckled Hardtear

25:43 Golden Seed

26:20 Protection of the Erdtree (Incantation)

28:53 Great Stars (Weapon)

30:30 Arteria Leaf x2

35:17 Bloodrose x3

35:31 Anastasia, Tarnished-Eater (NPC Fight), Sacred Butchering Knife (Weapon) & Stonesword Key

36:36 Golden Vow (Incantation)

36:55 Golden Rune [2], [3] x2, & [7]

37:59 Somber Smithing Stone [6]

38:12 Beast Blood

39:21 Fire Arrow x10

40:47 Pulley Bow (Weapon)

40:58 Golden Rune [6]

41:33 Soporific Grease x2

42:39 Stonesword Key (Purchase)

43:44 Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast (Boss Fight), Somber Smithing Stone [6], Smithing Stone [6] x5 & Fallingstar Beast Jaw (Weapon)

46:20 Smoldering Butterfly x4

47:34 Ash of War: Through and Through & Golden Seed

47:49 Dragonwound Grease

49:02 Map: Mt. Gelmir

49:34 Larval Tear

50:58 Fan Daggers x5

51:19 Ulcerated Tree Spirit (Boss Fight), Leaden Hardtear & Cerulean Hidden Tear

52:19 Golden Rune [4] & Drawstrong Fire Grease x3

52:43 Beast Blood x3

Part 17 - Volcano Manor

Trophies earned during the video:


Godskin Noble - Defeated Godskin Noble

Shardbearer Rykard - Defeated Shardbearer Rykard

Timestamps and trophies earned during the video:


00:00 Smithing Stone [6]

00:40 Inquisitor Ghiza (NPC Fight) & Ghiza's Wheel (Weapon)

01:06 Drawing-Room Key

03:23 Recusant Finger & Letter from Volcano Manor

03:48 Perfume Bottle

04:21 Budding Horn x3

04:50 Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook [21]

05:30 Fireproof Dried Liver

06:18 Golden Rune [5]

08:34 Golden Rune [9]

09:32 Somber Smithing Stone [5]

10:34 Smithing Stone [5]

10:50 Drawstring Fire Grease x3 & Golden Rune [6]

11:00 Erdtree Seal (Weapon)

11:19 Albinauric Bloodclot

12:46 Beast Blood x2

13:35 Golden Rune [9]

14:13 Explosive Greatbolt x5

15:24 Fireproof Dried Liver x2

16:15 Golden Rune [9]

17:04 Somber Smithing Stone [6]

18:01 Somber Smithing Stone [5]

19:05 Trophy - Godskin Noble (Boss Fight), Godskin Stitcher (Weapon), Noble Presence (Incantation)

21:25 Serpent's Amnion

21:34 Golden Rune [9]

22:22 Smoldering Butterfly x4

23:06 Drawstring Fire Grease x4

24:40 Missionary's Cookbook [6]

25:21 Stonesword Key

27:25 Somber Smithing Stone [5]

27:43 Commoner's Headband

29:25 Man-Serpent Ashes

31:24 Serpent-Hunter (Weapon)

32:17 Trophy - Shardbearer Rykard (Boss Fight), Rykard's Great Rune & Remembrance of the Blasphemous

34:36 Black Knife Assassin (Boss Fight) & Black Knife (Weapon)

39:04 Crimson Seed Talisman

40:07 Grave Glovewort [4]

41:28 Leyndell Soldier Ashes

41:49 Grave Glovewort [4]

42:41 Root Resin x3

43:50 Prattling Pate "Let's get to it"

43:57 Grave Glovewort [3]

46:14 Ancient Hero of Zamor (Boss Fight) & Ancient Dragon Knight Kristoff (Legendary Ashes)

Part 18 - Leyndell, Royal Capital

Trophies earned during the video:


Mohg, the Omen - Defeated Mohg, the Omen

Godfrey the First Lord - Defeated Godfrey the First Lord

Shardbearer Morgott - Defeated Shardbearer Morgott


Timestamps and trophies earned during the video:


00:00 Lightning Greatbolt x3

00:48 Golden Rune [9]

02:14 Ash of War: Lightning Slash

02:33 Golden Seed

03:29 Grace Mimic x3 & Smithing Stone [5]

04:55 Sentry's Torch (Purchase)

05:35 Golden Seed x2

06:32 Gargoyle's Great Axe (Weapon)

07:38 Map: Leyndell, Royal Capital

08:04 Golden Seed x2

08:20 Golden Seed

09:41 Golden Rune [10]

10:49 Golden Rune [7]

11:28 Golden Rune [9]

12:57 Golden Rune [9]

13:09 Lord's Rune & Gold Firefly x3

14:10 Ash of War: Thunderbolt

15:07 Albinauric Bloodclot

15:38 Rune Arc

15:50 Poisonbone Dart x6

16:47 Golden Rune [11]

17:56 Preserving Boluses

18:18 Furlcalling Finger Remedy

18:41 Glass Shard

19:24 Rainbow Stone Arrow (Fletched) x10

19:39 Fireproof Dried Liver

20:02 Somber Smithing Stone [8]

23:36 Smithing Stone [7]

23:51 Grace Mimic

24:15 Somber Smithing Stone [6]

24:34 String & Warming Stone

24:50 Preserving Boluses

25:25 Omen Bairn (Tool), Glass Shard x4, Golden Centipede x2, & Dappled White Cured Meat

27:02 Poisoned Stone x3

27:23 Golden Rune [10]

29:38 Golden Rune [11]

30:08 Smithing Stone [5]

30:40 Ritual Pot

31:27 Smithing Stone [6]

32:13 Trophy - Mohg, the Omen (Boss Fight) & Bloodflame Talons (Incantation)

33:28 Erdtree's Favor +1 (Talisman)

33:37 Golden Rune [9]

35:11 Dragonwound Grease

35:19 Rune Arc

35:46 Gravel Stone x5

36:29 Golden Rune [11]

36:46 Gargoyle's Halberd (Weapon)

38:16 Golden Seed

38:30 Golden Rune [9]

39:42 Sanctified Whetblade, Hammer (Weapon), By My Sword (Gesture), & Hero's Rune [1]

40:10 Rune Arc

40:20 Furlcalling Finger Remedy

40:31 Seedbed Curse

40:46 Smithing Stone [5]

41:03 Smithing Stone [6]

41:17 Two Fingers' Prayerbook & Black-Key Bolt x20

41:37 Alberich's (Pointed Hat, Robe, Bracers, & Trousers)

42:10 Smithing Stone [5]

42:17 Trophy - Godfrey, First Elden Lord (Boss Fight) & Talisman Pouch

44:54 Somber Smithing Stone [5] x3

45:32 Holy Grease x5

46:15 Barrier of Gold (Incantation)

47:02 Bolt of Gransax (Legendary Weapon)

47:34 Holy Grease x6

47:57 Blessing of the Erdtree (Incantation)

49:09 Trophy - Shardbearer Morgott (Boss Fight) - Morgott's Great Rune & Remembrance of the Omen King

50:46 Frenzied's Cookbook [2]

53:10 Inescapable Frenzy (Incantation)

Part 19 - Mountaintops of the Giants

Trophies earned during the video:


Commander Niall - Defeated Commander Niall

Legendary Sorceries and Incantations - Acquired all legendary sorceries and incantations

Fire Giant - Defeated Fire Giant


Timestamps and trophies earned during the video:


00:00 Gravel Stone

01:23 Golden Rune [9]

01:39 Smithing Stone [4]

01:58 Stonesword Key

02:17 Golden Seed, Golden Arrow x15 & Smithing Stone [6]

03:35 Exalted Flesh & Nascent Butterfly x3

07:36 Flamedrake Talisman +1

08:36 Invigorating White Cured Meat

09:07 Somber Smithing Stone [6]

09:42 Golden Seed

13:45 Black Blade Kindred (Boss Fight) & Gargoyle's (Black Blades & Black Axe) (Weapons)

16:11 Map: Mountaintops of the Giants, West

17:30 Smoldering Butterfly x4

18:54 Briars of Punishment (Sorcery) & Arteria Leaf x3

20:22 Lost Ashes of War

20:49 Somber Smithing Stone [8]

23:02 Golden Seed

24:34 Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing [3]

26:57 Sacred Tear

27:07 Smithing Stone [7] x3

27:40 Traveling Maiden (Hood, Robe, Gloves, & Boots)

28:48 Smithing Stone [7], Warming Stone x3 & Invigorating White Cured Meat

29:11 Fancy Spin (Gesture)

30:41 Primal Glintstone Blade (Talisman)

30:58 Golden Rune [10]

32:34 Helphen's Steeple (Weapon) & Deathroot

34:24 Somber Smithing Stone [7], Beast Blood & Old Fang x2

36:20 Somber Smithing Stone [7], Beast Blood & Old Fang x2

36:59 Golden Rune [10]

37:19 Furlcalling Finger Remedy

37:44 Nascent Butterfly

38:11 Fan Daggers x5

38:25 Golden Rune [10]

39:46 Smithing Stone [6]

40:03 Eclipse Shotel (Legendary Weapon)

41:54 Smithing Stone [6]

42:37 Trophy - Commander Niall (Boss Fight) & Veteran's Prosthesis (Weapon)

44:59 Haligtree Secret Medallion (Left)

45:35 Founding Rain of Stars (Legendary Sorcery) & Trophy - Legendary Sorceries and Incantations

48:31 Map: Mountaintops of the Giants, East

51:12 Bloody Finger Okina (NPC Fight), Rivers of Blood (Weapon), Okina Mask & Sacred Tear

53:12 Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone

53:48 Trophy - Fire Giant (Boss Fight) & Remembrance of the Fire Giant

Part 20 - Consecrated Snowfields

Trophies earned during the video:


God-Slaying Armament - Upgraded any armament to its highest stage

Legendary Armaments - Acquired all legendary armaments

Shardbearer Mohg - Defeated Shardbearer Mohg


Timestamps and trophies earned during the video:


00:00 Freezing Grease x5

03:02 Grave Glovewort [9]

03:21 Map: Consecrated Snowfield

05:47 Smithing Stone [8]

07:54 Anastasia, Tarnished-Eater (NPC Fight) & Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone

09:29 Graven-Mass Talisman

11:38 Trophy - God-Slaying Armament

12:22 Strip of White Flesh x2

13:09 Smithing Stone [8] x3

13:43 Freezing Grease x4

15:55 Nascent Butterfly

16:27 Golden Rune [10]

16:33 Hero's Rune [2]

17:27 Rune Arc & Spiritflame Arrow x10

19:07 Miquella's Lily x3, Crystal Dart x8, & Thawfrost Boluses x2

20:40 Freezing Grease x6

21:19 Golden Order Greatsword (Legendary Weapon) & Trophy - Legendary Armaments

22:04 Stonesword Key

23:25 Sanguine Noble (NPC Fight), Sanguine Noble (Hood, Robe, & Waistcloth)

24:54 Smithing Stone [6] & Bloodrose x5

28:48 Hero's Rune [4]

29:04 Hero's Rune [3]

29:16 Blood-Tainted Excrement x8, Golden Rune [12], & Smithing Stone [7]

29:26 Sacramental Bud

29:38 Map: Mohgwyn Palace

29:54 Smithing Stone [7]

32:20 Numen's Rune

33:58 Stanching Boluses x3

35:16 Bloodrose x8

35:56 Lord's Rune

38:20 Great Ghost Glovewort

39:21 Smithing Stone [8] x3

39:50 Ghost Glovewort [9]

40:31 Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone

42:13 Trophy - Shardbearer Mohg (Boss Fight), Mohg's Great Rune & Remembrance of the Blood Lord

44:35 Ghost Glovewort [9]

49:37 Golden Rune [10]

49:49 Old Fang x3

50:47 Ghost Glovewort [9] & Freezing Grease x2

52:09 Golden Rune [12]

52:32 Golden Rune [13]

53:08 Invigorating Cured Meat

Part 21 - The Haligtree

Trophies earned during the video:


Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree - Defeated Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree

Legendary Ashen Remains - Acquired all legendary ashen remains

Shardbearer Malenia - Defeated Shardbearer Malenia

Timestamps and trophies earned during the video:


00:00 Sacramental Bud x3

00:55 Golden Rune [10]

02:02 Warming Stone x4

03:03 Golden Rune [13]

03:33 Lost of Ashes of War

04:28 Numen's Rune

05:17 Golden Rune [10]

06:25 Rot Grease x2

07:09 Pearldrake Talisman +2

07:53 Smithing Stone [8]

11:25 Golden Rune [13]

11:43 Hefty Beast Bone x6

11:49 Fire Grease x5

12:03 Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone

13:07 Somber Smithing Stone [8]

13:35 Golden Rune [12]

13:48 Smithing Stone [6]

14:20 Golden Rune [10]

15:06 Somber Smithing Stone [9]

15:32 Smithing Stone [6]

16:42 Smithing Stone [7] & [8]

19:12 Hero's Rune [4]

19:22 Trophy - Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree (Boss Fight), Loretta's Mastery (Sorcery) & Loretta's War Sickle (Weapon)

22:35 Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone

24:52 Holy Grease x3

25:52 Rotten Staff (Weapon)

27:41 Golden Rune [12]

28:02 Smithing Stone [8]

29:02 Miquellan Knight's Sword (Weapon)

29:16 Numen's Rune

29:39 Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone

29:53 Golden Rune [12] & Marika's Soreseal (Legendary Talisman)

30:22 Lightning Greatbolt x5

31:22 Smithing Stone [7]

32:32 Triple Rings of Light (Incantation)

33:01 Cleanrot Knight Finlay (Legendary Ashes) & Trophy - Legendary Ashen Remains

34:29 Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone

35:14 Seedbed Curse

35:27 Old Fang x5

35:54 Haligtree Soldier Ashes & Smithing Stone [8]

38:57 Haligtree Knight Helm

39:18 Smithing Stone [6]

39:34 Hero's Rune [5]

40:48 Golden Rune [10]

43:27 Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman (Legendary)

45:31 Nascent Butterfly

46:05 Aeonian Butterfly

46:34 Trophy - Shardbearer Malenia (Boss Fight), Malenia's Great Rune & Remembrance of the Rot Goddess

Part 22 - Crumbling Farum Azula

Trophies earned during the video:


Erdtree Aflame - Used kindling to set the Erdtree aflame

Godskin Duo - Defeated Godskin Duo

Dragonlord Placidusax - Defeated Dragonlord Placidusax

Maliketh the Black Blade - Defeated Maliketh the Black Blade

Timestamps and trophies earned during the video:


00:00 Trophy - Erdtree Aflame

02:31 Smithing Stone [8]

02:58 Golden Rune [9]

03:05 Old Fang x3

04:01 Lightningproof Dried Liver

04:36 Smithing Stone [6]

05:15 Smithing Stone [8]

05:24 Dragonwound Grease

05:33 Smithing Stone [8]

05:44 Smithing Stone [7]

06:30 Golden Rune [12]

07:42 Lightning Greatbolt x14

08:00 Hero's Rune [2]

08:14 Ancient Dragon Prayerbook

08:36 Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing [4]

09:27 Golden Arrow x14

10:05 Somber Smithing Stone [9]

10:25 Smithing Stone [6]

10:49 Trophy - Godskin Duo (Boss Fight), Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing [4] & Ash of War: Flame Tornado

13:39 Golden Rune [12]

14:13 Golden Rune [11]

15:30 Old Fang x5

16:04 Smithing Stone [7]

16:34 Golden Rune [12]

16:59 Dragoncrest Shield Talisman +2

17:10 Smithing Stone [8]

18:06 Smithing Stone [6]

19:00 Arteria Leaf x3

19:39 Fulgurbloom x8 & Golden Rune [12]

21:07 Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone

21:17 Trophy - Dragonlord Placidusax (Boss Fight) & Remembrance of the Dragonlord

28:37 Somber Smithing Stone [8]

29:58 Recusant Bernahl (NPC Fight) & Blasphemous Claw (Tool)

31:44 Old Lord's Talisman (Legendary)

32:45 Malformed Dragon (Helm, Armor, Gauntlets, & Greaves)

35:58 Golden Rune [12] & Somber Smithing Stone [7]

36:31 Trophy - Maliketh the Black Blade (Boss Fight) & Remembrance of the Black Blade

Part 23 - Leyndell, Ashen Capital

Trophies earned during the video:


Legendary Talismans - Acquired all legendary talismans

Hoarah Loux the Warrior - Defeated Hoarah Loux the Warrior

Lord of Frenzied Flame - Achieved the "Lord of Frenzied Flame" ending

Age of the Stars - Achieved the "Age of the Stars" ending

Elden Lord - Achieved the "Elden Lord" ending

Elden Ring - Obtained all trophies

Timestamps and trophies earned during the video:


00:00 Corhyn's Bell Bearing, Flail (Weapon) & Corhyn's Robe

00:41 Royal Remains (Helm, Armor, Gauntlets, & Greaves)

00:48 Stormhawk Axe (Weapon)

00:56 Erdtree's Favor +2 (Legendary Talisman) & Trophy - Legendary Talismans

09:05 Rune Arc

09:54 Sir Gideon Ofnir, the All-Knowing (Boss Fight), Scepter of the All-Knowing (Weapon) & All-Knowing (Helm, Armor, Gauntlets, & Greaves)

12:03 Erdtree Heal (Incantation)

13:00 Trophy - Hoarah Loux the Warrior (Boss Fight) & Remembrance of Hoarah Loux

15:08 Radagon of the Golden Order (Boss Fight)

19:08 Elden Beast (Boss Fight) & Elden Remembrance

21:35 Trophy - Lord of Frenzied Flame

23:16 Trophy - Age of the Stars

23:43 Trophy - Elden Lord & Elden Ring (Platinum)

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